Aerial view of the Warren, Maine lagoon system. Photo courtesy of Woodard and Curran.

Lagoon Systems In Maine 

Systems In Maine

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Mars Hill Wastewater Lagoon System - Mars Hill  Maine. Photo Courtesy of Wright-Pierce Engineers.
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Wastewater Lagoon Operations Articles


Nitrification of A lagoon Effluent Using Fixed Film Media NEW
Pilot Study Results

By Wes Ripple, NHDES

For many years it has been debated as to whether aerated lagoons are capable of achieving biological nitrification as currently designed. Several studies undertaken in New Hampshire in recent years have determined that lagoons can and do nitrify to significant degrees, often achieving < 1.0 mg/l ammonia nitrogen in the effluent. This article presents an overview and the conclusions of those studies.


Microbiological and Chemical Testing for Troubleshooting Lagoons NEW

By Michael Richard, Ph.D. of the The Sear-Brown Group

This paper presents a biology and chemistry based approach to troubleshooting lagoon systems that has proven successful in correcting lagoon treatment problems throughout the country. The information to collect and their interpretation is presented.


Nutrients in Lagoons NEW
This presentation was made by Jim Fitch of Woodard and Curran at the 25th Annual Convention of the Maine Rural Water Association Conference in Freeport, Maine on December 1, 2005. It is entitles "Issues Facing Lagoon Systems and Nutrient Removal.

Jim Fitch was educated at the University of Maine at the Orono, Maine Campus. He received a Bachelors and Master degree in environmental engineering. Fitch is a registered Professional Engineer working in the New England area for 27 years. He specializes in management of municipal wastewaters. Familiar with all types of treatment, he has a deep knowledge and appreciation of the intricacies and complexities of lagoon treatment, thorough knowledge of nutrient removal systems, and is active on a number of task forces to develop regulations in Maine and New Hampshire.


Cold Nitrification
A coming problem in the Rocky Mountain region is the requirement for ammonia removal during municipal wastewater treatment. Many small communities in the Rocky Mountain region that se aerated lagoons are getting effluent ammonia limits in their renewed NPDES permits.

Phosphorous Removal
Phosphorus (P) occurs in natural waters and in wastewaters almost solely as phosphates. These phosphates include organic phosphate, polyphosphate (particulate P) and orthophosphate (inorganic P). Orthophosphates are readily utilized by aquatic organisms.

Nitrification Limits
Concerns about cold temperature nitrification usually arise when water temperature in the biological treatment system drop 5 degrees Celsius or below. At this temperature the nitrifying bacteria responsible for oxidizing ammonia tend to go dormant. If this happens, it usually means effluent violations for those plants with ammonia limits.

Nitrification Basics
Nitrification consumes large amounts of oxygen. For every lb of BOD oxidized, 1 lb of O2 is used. For every lb of ammonia oxidized, 4.6 lb of O2 are used. In order for uninhibited nitrification to occur, a working DO level is 2.0 mg/l is suggested.

Lagoon Systems Can Provide Low Cost Wastewater Treatment Systems
by the National Small Flows Clearing House 1997 Volume 8








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